Dog Bite Injuries: Liability and Animal Control Laws in Alabama

Baxley Maniscalco Injury Attorneys

Close-up of a dog's jaws biting a human hand, illustrating a dog bite injury.
Table of Contents

    Approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur each year in the United States, with nearly 1 in 5 requiring medical attention.

    In Alabama alone, thousands of residents face the painful and often traumatic experience of a dog bite annually. 

    Understanding the legal landscape surrounding these incidents is crucial for both dog owners and bite victims.

    Understanding Dog Bite Laws in Alabama

    The impact of a dog bite extends far beyond the immediate physical injury. Victims often grapple with emotional trauma, medical expenses, and potential long-term complications. 

    Meanwhile, dog owners face the possibility of legal and financial repercussions. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of dog bite injuries, owner liability, and animal control laws specific to Alabama. 

    Whether you’re a dog owner seeking to understand your responsibilities or a bite victim exploring your rights, our Alabama dog bite attorneys will equip you with the knowledge to navigate these challenging situations.

    The “One Bite” Rule: A Thing of the Past

    Historically, Alabama followed the “one bite” rule, which essentially gave dogs one “free” bite before owners could be held liable. However, this outdated approach has been replaced by more comprehensive legislation.

    Alabama’s Current Dog Bite Statute

    Today, Alabama operates under a modified “strict liability” statute for dog bites. This means that dog owners can be held responsible for injuries caused by their pets, even if the dog has never shown aggressive behavior before.

    Key points of Alabama’s dog bite law include:

    • Owner liability for unprovoked attacks;
    • Consideration of the location where the bite occurred; and
    • Potential defenses for dog owners.

    Understanding these nuances is crucial for both dog owners and bite victims in determining the course of legal action.

    When Are Dog Owners Liable?

    Dog owners in Alabama can be held liable for injuries caused by their pets under several circumstances:

    • The bite occurred on the owner’s property;
    • The victim was legally present on the property; and
    • The dog was not provoked.

    It’s important to note that liability may extend beyond just bites to include other injuries caused by a dog, such as knockdowns or scratches.

    Exceptions to Owner Liability

    While Alabama’s law is generally favorable to bite victims, there are situations where dog owners may not be held liable:

    • Trespassing: If the victim was unlawfully on the owner’s property
    • Provocation: If the dog was intentionally aggravated or harmed
    • Working dogs: Special considerations for police or military dogs on duty

    Understanding these exceptions is crucial for both dog owners and potential plaintiffs in dog bite cases.

    An infographic describing dog owner liability laws in Alabama.

    Animal Control Laws in Alabama

    Alabama has several state-level laws governing animal control and dog ownership:

    • Rabies vaccination requirements;
    • Leash laws in public areas; and
    • Reporting requirements for dog bites.

    These regulations aim to promote public safety and responsible pet ownership across the state.

    Local Ordinances

    In addition to state laws, many Alabama cities and counties have their own specific animal control ordinances. 

    These may include:

    • Breed-specific legislation;
    • Licensing requirements; and
    • Limits on the number of dogs per household.

    Dog owners should familiarize themselves with both state and local laws to ensure compliance and avoid potential legal issues.

    Steps to Take After a Dog Bite

    Quick action protects your health and legal rights, impacting potential compensation.

    For Victims

    If you’ve been bitten by a dog in Alabama, taking the following steps can protect your health and legal rights:

    • Seek immediate medical attention;
    • Report the incident to local animal control;
    • Document the injury with photos and medical records;
    • Gather contact information from the dog owner and any witnesses; and
    • Consult with a personal injury attorney experienced in dog bite cases.

    Acting quickly and thoroughly can significantly impact the outcome of any potential legal action.

    For Dog Owners

    If your dog has bitten someone, it’s crucial to:

    • Ensure the victim receives medical care;
    • Cooperate with animal control investigations;
    • Provide your dog’s vaccination records;
    • Contact your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance company; and
    • Consider consulting with a defense attorney.

    Responsible action in the aftermath of a bite incident can help mitigate legal and financial consequences.

    An infographic describing the steps to take after you've been bitten by a dog in Alabama.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When dealing with dog bite incidents in Alabama, many questions arise for both victims and dog owners. 

    Here are answers to some of the most common inquiries we receive.

    How Long Do I Have to File a Dog Bite Lawsuit in Alabama?

    In Alabama, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including dog bites, is generally two years from the date of the incident. However, it’s advisable to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure your rights are protected.

    Can I Still Receive Compensation if I Was Partially at Fault for the Dog Bite?

    Alabama follows a contributory negligence rule, which means if you’re found to be even slightly at fault for the incident, you may be barred from recovering damages. This underscores the importance of careful case evaluation and skilled legal representation.

    Are Landlords Liable for Dog Bites Caused by Their Tenants’ Pets?

    Generally, landlords are not held liable for dog bites caused by their tenants’ pets unless they had knowledge of the dog’s dangerous propensities and had the ability to control the dog’s presence on the property.

    What Damages Can I Recover in a Dog Bite Lawsuit?

    Potential damages in a dog bite case may include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and, in some cases, punitive damages. The specific recoverable damages will depend on the circumstances of your case.

    Can a Dog Be Euthanized After Biting Someone in Alabama?

    While euthanasia is not automatic after a dog bite, Alabama law does allow for the possibility in cases involving severe injuries or dogs deemed “dangerous” by animal control authorities. Each case is evaluated individually.

    Prevention and Safety Measures

    Responsible dog ownership is key to preventing bite incidents:

    • Proper training and socialization;
    • Regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations;
    • Secure fencing and leash use;
    • Understanding and respecting your dog’s body language; and
    • Educating family members, especially children, on safe interactions with dogs.

    By taking these precautions, dog owners can significantly reduce the risk of bite incidents and potential liability.

    For the General Public

    Everyone can play a role in preventing dog bites:

    • Always ask permission before petting an unfamiliar dog;
    • Avoid approaching dogs that are eating, sleeping, or caring for puppies;
    • Learn to recognize signs of fear or aggression in dogs;
    • Teach children how to safely interact with dogs; and
    • Report stray or aggressive dogs to local animal control.

    Education and awareness are powerful tools in creating safer communities for both humans and canines.

    Expert Legal Guidance for Your Alabama Dog Bite Case

    Have you or a loved one been affected by a dog bite in Alabama? Don’t navigate this challenging situation alone. At Baxley Maniscalco, we understand the complexities of dog bite cases and are committed to protecting your rights and interests.

    Our experienced team of personal injury attorneys specializes in dog bite law and has a proven track record of securing fair compensation for our clients. 

    We offer:

    • Free initial consultations to evaluate your case;
    • Comprehensive legal guidance tailored to your specific situation; and
    • Aggressive representation to ensure your voice is heard.

    Don’t let the physical, emotional, and financial burden of a dog bite overwhelm you. Contact Baxley Maniscalco today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards justice and recovery. 

    Your well-being is our priority, and we’re here to fight for you every step of the way.