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What Qualifies as a Low-Asset, Simple Divorce in Alabama?

Baxley Maniscalco Family, Injury, & Probate Attorneys

A man with short dark hair and a beard wearing a light blue button-up shirt sits pensively with his hands clasped, looking concerned. In the background, a woman with long dark hair wearing a similar blue shirt sits on the same couch but facing away from him.

What Qualifies as a Low-Asset, Simple Divorce in Alabama?

March 7, 2025

The courthouse clock ticks differently for different divorces. While some couples spend years entangled in legal proceedings, others finalize their separation in as little as 30 days. This stark contrast often comes down to whether a divorce qualifies as “simple” under Alabama law.  The difference can mean thousands in legal fees saved and months of…

A woman with long hair wearing a light brown sweater sits by a window, holding a young child with curly hair who is wearing a dark striped outfit. They appear to be looking out at a foggy view.

Where to Mail Alabama Child Support Payments

March 7, 2025

The small white envelope sits on your kitchen counter, stamped and sealed, holding a check that represents far more than its dollar amount. It carries your commitment, legal obligation, and your child’s access to necessities and opportunities.  But that envelope might travel a winding path through Alabama’s administrative system—potentially delaying support for weeks—if addressed incorrectly. …

A young toddler with light brown hair wearing a blue button-up shirt and beige pants sits on a dark countertop against a marble wall. A person with short dark hair wearing a beige sweater stands nearby holding what appears to be kitchen items, looking at the child.

What Is the Standard Child Support Percentage in Alabama

March 7, 2025

Behind closed doors of Alabama courtrooms, judges don’t simply pick a number from thin air when determining child support.  A parent’s whispered question—”How much will I pay?”—triggers a cascade of calculations unique to Alabama law.  While many assume child support follows a simple percentage, the reality involves a more nuanced approach designed to balance a…

A young child with light blonde hair wearing a pink knit sweater and striped shirt stands close to an adult in a gray coat. The child is holding the adult's hand, which has a ring on it. They are outdoors in a park or grassy area with soft sunlight creating a warm backlit glow around the child's hair.

How Much Is Child Support in Alabama for One Child?

March 7, 2025

When parents separate, one of the first questions that arises involves financial responsibility for their child.  The late-night worry of “How will I provide?” meets the daytime reality of Alabama’s complex child support system.  Behind each calculation lies a child’s future—their housing, education, healthcare, and daily needs.  While emotions run high during family transitions, understanding…

Father holding a young blond child who is covering his face with his hands, illustrating the emotional aspects of custody cases.

How to Get Full Custody in Alabama

March 7, 2025

Parents fighting for custody often describe the experience as walking through fire—painful, all-consuming, and transformative.  In Alabama courtrooms, judges make life-altering decisions about children’s futures by weighing evidence to determine which parent should have primary authority and physical care of a child. Understanding Child Custody in Alabama Alabama courts distinguish between legal custody (decision-making authority)…

Person holding a wedding ring in one hand and a pen in the other, reviewing divorce paperwork on a clipboard.

What Kind of Divorce State Is Alabama?

March 7, 2025

Alabama offers both fault and no-fault divorce options, providing residents with multiple pathways to legally end their marriages.  Under Alabama Code § 30-2-1, couples can pursue divorce through either approach, each carrying distinct legal implications and procedural requirements. Understanding which classification applies to your circumstances forms the foundation for strategic decision-making throughout the divorce process. …

The image shows two people in light blue shirts gesturing with their hands during what appears to be a discussion about Alabama divorce, with a clipboard containing divorce paperwork, a pen, and wedding rings visible in the foreground.

Who Gets the House in a Divorce in Alabama?

March 7, 2025

The family home—where memories were created, children may have been raised, and life was shared—frequently becomes the emotional epicenter of Alabama divorce proceedings.  As the dust settles and lives separate, one question looms large for many couples: “Who keeps the house?”  Beyond its financial value as typically the largest marital asset, the home represents stability,…

A couple sitting on opposite ends of a teal couch showing signs of relationship distress. A woman in a pink plaid shirt sits on the left looking downward with her hand on her face, appearing sad or worried. A man in a burgundy t-shirt sits on the right with his back partially turned, also with hand on face, suggesting tension or disagreement between them.

Are Alabama Divorce Records Public?

March 7, 2025

The courthouse doors swing open, and suddenly your most private moments become part of Alabama’s public record system.  Divorce filings that detail personal finances, family disputes, and intimate relationship details sit in folders potentially accessible to neighbors, employers, and complete strangers.  For many Alabamians navigating the end of a marriage, this revelation comes as an…

The image shows a tense scene between two people in what appears to be an indoor setting near a window. A person with blonde hair is shown facing the camera with a concerned or apprehensive expression, while another person (shown from behind wearing a light-colored shirt) stands in front of them.

What to Do If You Are Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence in Alabama?

March 7, 2025

One moment you’re living your normal life—the next, you’re facing allegations that could upend everything you’ve built.  False domestic violence accusations in Alabama carry serious consequences, from protective orders to potential criminal charges, affecting your reputation, family relationships, and freedom.  Understanding your rights and taking immediate action becomes your first line of defense against allegations…

The image shows a toddler in a blue plaid shirt standing by moving boxes in an empty room with white walls. They're leaning against one of several cardboard boxes stacked around them.

Can I Move Out of State With My Child After Divorce in Alabama?

March 7, 2025

Dreams of a fresh start, a promising career opportunity, or the pull of family support can make moving to another state feel like the right path forward after divorce.  Yet for Alabama parents, the desire to relocate with children brings complex questions about legal rights, custody agreements, and maintaining family bonds across state lines.  Understanding…

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