One word can erase your entire right to compensation in Alabama. A casual “sorry” at the accident scene, a moment’s hesitation before braking, or a glance at your dashboard—insurance companies transform these simple human reactions into weapons against your claim. While other states offer some protection when the fault is shared, Alabama stands alone with…
Picture this: A distracted driver runs a red light while you’re checking a text message at an intersection. In most states, you’d still receive partial compensation for your injuries. But in Alabama, that momentary glance at your phone could cost you everything. As one of only four states practicing pure contributory negligence, Alabama’s approach to…
A single moment—a brief glance at your phone, a split-second delay in braking, or one step off the curb—carries vastly different consequences depending on where your accident occurs. In 46 states, you might recover 99% of your damages even if you’re 1% at fault. But in Alabama, that same 1% of fault could mean losing…
Every 45 minutes, someone loses their life to drunk driving in America. In Alabama alone, alcohol-impaired driving claimed 281 lives in 2022, accounting for nearly 30% of all traffic fatalities in the state. Behind each statistic lies a story of devastation that could have been prevented, and understanding the legal implications of sobriety testing can…
Flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror. The sound of screeching tires on wet pavement. A single moment behind the wheel can transform lives forever, rippling through families and communities across Alabama. Whether you’re facing DUI charges or dealing with the aftermath of a drunk driving accident, understanding your rights and responsibilities under Alabama law…
On a sunny morning along I-459, a father’s split-second decision to check his work email transformed an ordinary commute into a life-altering moment. Three cars, eight lives, and countless ripple effects—all from a moment of distraction that seemed harmless at the time. As our vehicles become extensions of our offices and social spaces, the line…
In 2022, distracted driving claimed 3,308 lives on American roads—equivalent to nine fully loaded passenger jets crashing. Behind each statistic lies a preventable tragedy, often caused not by phones or food but by something far more subtle: our wandering minds. While Alabama drivers understand the dangers of texting behind the wheel, cognitive distractions—from daydreaming to…