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Can I Adopt an Adult?

Baxley Maniscalco Family Law Attorneys

Baxley Maniscalco Attorneys At Law

The concept of adoption often conjures images of welcoming a child into your home. However, Alabama law also allows for the adoption of consenting adults. This process, known as adult adoption, offers a legal pathway to establish a permanent familial bond between two adults.

Whether you're considering adopting a stepchild, strengthening a long-standing relationship, or providing legal protection for a disabled adult, understanding Alabama's adult adoption laws is crucial.

Here, we'll delve into the eligibility requirements, the adoption process, and the potential benefits and considerations of adult adoption in the state.

Table of Contents

    Who Can Be Adopted in Alabama?

    Alabama law permits the adoption of an adult under specific circumstances. The potential adoptee must be:

    • At least 19 years old: Alabama defines adulthood as starting at 19 years old.
    • A consenting party: Both the adoptive parent(s) and the adult seeking adoption must willingly participate in the process and provide written consent.
    • Mentally competent: The adult adoptee must have the mental capacity to understand the legal implications of adoption.

    There are additional qualifiers depending on the nature of the relationship:

    • Stepchild: A married couple can jointly adopt an adult stepchild.
    • Kinship adoption: An adult can be adopted by a relative (any degree of kinship) with written consent from both parties.
    • Adult with disabilities: Individuals who are permanently disabled or determined to be of diminished mental capacity can be adopted, ensuring their future care and inheritance rights.

    Important Note: Adult adoption severs the legal ties between the adoptee and their biological parents. Consider this consequence carefully before proceeding.

    Who Can Adopt an Adult in Alabama?

    Alabama law allows any competent adult to petition the court to adopt another consenting adult.

    This means there are no specific restrictions on the adoptive parent(s) beyond being 19 years old and mentally capable of understanding the legal implications of adoption.

    However, there are some additional factors to consider:

    • Number of Adoptive Parents: Single adults or married couples can both initiate the adoption process. There's no limitation on the number of adoptive parents as long as everyone involved consents and meets the eligibility criteria.
    • Age Difference: While Alabama law doesn't mandate a minimum age gap between the adoptive parent(s) and the adult adoptee, the court will likely consider it during the hearing. A significant age difference, especially when inheritance is a factor, might raise questions about undue influence. In some cases, the court may waive the age difference requirement if there's a strong justification, such as a long-standing, supportive relationship.
    • Financial Stability: The court may take an adoptive parent's financial stability into account, particularly when adopting an adult with disabilities. This ensures the adoptive parent(s) have the means to provide for the adopted adult's needs.
    • Criminal Background: The court may order background checks on the adoptive parent(s) to ensure the safety and well-being of the adult adoptee. A serious criminal history could potentially hinder the adoption process.

    While legal requirements are crucial, the success of adult adoption hinges on a strong foundation. Here are some additional considerations for potential adoptive parents:

    • Motivation for Adoption: Be clear about your reasons for pursuing adult adoption. Is it to solidify a bond, ensure inheritance, or provide legal guardianship?
    • Open Communication: Discuss the adoption openly and honestly with the adult you wish to adopt. Address any concerns or questions they might have.
    • Impact on Existing Relationships: Consider how the adoption might affect your existing family dynamics. Ensure everyone involved understands the changes and feels comfortable with the arrangement.
    • Long-Term Commitment: Adult adoption is a permanent legal step. Be sure you're fully committed to the relationship and its responsibilities.

    By carefully considering these factors, you can ensure that adult adoption serves to strengthen the bond you share with another adult and create a lasting, positive impact on both of your lives.

    The Adult Adoption Process in Alabama

    The process for adult adoption in Alabama generally follows these steps:

    1. Consultation with an attorney: An experienced adoption attorney can guide you through the legal complexities, explain your rights and responsibilities, and help with the necessary paperwork.
    2. Drafting and filing a petition: Your attorney will draft a petition for adoption, outlining the details of the proposed adoption and the reasons for it. This petition will be filed with the appropriate circuit court in the county where the adoptive parent(s) reside.
    3. Background checks and home study (if applicable): While not always required, the court may order background checks and a home study, especially in cases involving disabled adults.
    4. Consent forms: Both the adoptive parent(s) and the adult seeking adoption need to sign written consent forms.
    5. Court hearing: A court hearing will be held to review the petition and ensure the adoption is in the best interests of both parties. The judge will question the adoptive parent(s) and the adult adoptee to determine their understanding and motivations.
    6. Finalization decree: If the judge approves the adoption, a final decree will be issued, legally establishing the parent-child relationship between the parties.

    Timeline: The timeframe for finalization can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the court's schedule. It typically takes several months, but it could be longer in some situations.

    Benefits and Considerations of Adult Adoption in Alabama

    Adult adoption in Alabama offers unique advantages but also presents important considerations.

    Let's delve deeper into both aspects:


    • Solidifying a Close Relationship: Formalizing a long-standing, supportive relationship through adoption can provide a sense of belonging and family for both parties. This can be particularly meaningful for individuals who haven't had a traditional parent-child relationship or those who have lost parents at a young age.

    • Inheritance Rights: Adoption ensures the adopted adult inherits from the adoptive parent(s) according to their will. This provides financial security and eliminates potential disputes with biological relatives.

    • Legal Guardianship for Disabled Adults: Adult adoption of a disabled individual allows the adoptive parent(s) to make crucial decisions regarding their healthcare, finances, and living arrangements. This ensures the disabled adult receives proper care and protects their well-being, especially if they lack the capacity to make these decisions themselves.

    • Emotional Security: For some individuals, particularly those who have experienced challenging family situations, adult adoption can offer a sense of emotional security and stability. It signifies acceptance and belonging within a chosen family structure.


    • Severing Biological Ties: One of the most significant considerations is the severing of legal ties between the adopted adult and their biological parents. This can be a complex issue, especially if the adult has a positive relationship with their biological family. It's crucial to have open and honest discussions with the adult adoptee about their wishes and feelings regarding this permanent change.

    • Impact on Existing Relationships: Adult adoption can have a ripple effect on existing family dynamics. Consider how the adoption might affect your relationship with your children, siblings, or other relatives. Openly communicate with your family members, address any concerns, and ensure everyone feels comfortable with the new family structure.

    • Financial Implications: While not always a primary concern, adult adoption can have financial implications. The cost of legal fees and potential court fees should be factored in. Additionally, if adopting a disabled adult, consider the long-term financial responsibility of providing for their care needs.

    • Tax Considerations: Although uncommon, adult adoption may offer some tax benefits in specific situations. It's best to consult with a tax advisor to understand the potential implications of your unique situation.

    • Long-Term Commitment: Remember, adult adoption is a permanent legal step. It's not a decision to be taken lightly. Evaluate your motivations carefully and ensure you're fully committed to the relationship and the ongoing responsibilities it entails.

    Considering the complexities involved, consulting with an experienced adoption attorney is highly recommended. They can guide you through the legal process, address your specific situation, and ensure you understand your rights and responsibilities as an adoptive parent.

    Considerations: Beyond the Surface

    While the previous section covered some key considerations for adult adoption in Alabama, here's a deeper look at potential issues that warrant careful thought:

    Undue Influence:

    A significant concern, particularly when a large age gap exists between the adoptive parent(s) and the adult adoptee, is the possibility of undue influence. The court will be vigilant in scrutinizing situations where inheritance is a primary motivation for adoption.

    • Financial Exploitation: If the adult adoptee is financially dependent on the adoptive parent(s), the court might suspect that the adoption is being used to manipulate the inheritance process.
    • Undue Pressure: The court may question if the adult adoptee is freely consenting to the adoption or if they're pressured due to financial dependence or emotional vulnerability.

    Mitigating Concerns:

    There are ways to address concerns about undue influence:

    • Full Disclosure: Complete transparency about financial arrangements and inheritance plans can alleviate suspicion.
    • Independent Legal Counsel: Encouraging the adult adoptee to have independent legal representation demonstrates the adoption is based on mutual understanding and not exploitation.
    • Documentation: Maintain clear records of any financial transactions between the adoptive parent(s) and the adult adoptee.

    Mental Capacity:

    Both the adoptive parent(s) and the adult seeking adoption must be mentally competent to understand the legal implications of the process. If there's any question about an individual's mental capacity, a psychological evaluation might be ordered by the court.

    Emotional Impact:

    Adult adoption can be an emotionally complex process for all parties involved. Consider seeking professional counseling to navigate the emotional journey and address any potential anxieties or conflicts that may arise.

    Long-Term Care Considerations:

    If adopting a disabled adult, carefully plan for their long-term care needs. Explore available resources, support services, and potential financial implications associated with their specific needs.

    Unexpected Outcomes:

    Despite careful planning, unforeseen circumstances can arise after the adoption. Open communication and a commitment to working through challenges are crucial for maintaining a healthy and supportive relationship.

    Remember: Adult adoption is a significant life decision. By thoroughly considering these issues and seeking professional guidance when necessary, you can ensure the process strengthens the bond you share with the adult you wish to adopt and creates a lasting, positive impact on your life.

    Take the Next Step with Baxley Maniscalco

    Adult adoption can be a beautiful way to solidify a cherished relationship, ensure inheritance rights, or provide legal protection for a loved one. However, navigating the legal complexities requires experience and a deep understanding of Alabama's adoption laws.

    At Baxley Maniscalco, our dedicated family law attorneys are here to guide you through the entire process. We'll answer your questions, address your concerns, and ensure a smooth and successful adoption experience.

    Don't navigate this journey alone.

    Contact Baxley Maniscalco today for a free and confidential consultation.

    We'll help you explore your options, understand the legal implications, and determine if adult adoption is the right path for you.