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Alabama Car Accident Lawyers

Personal Injury Attorneys

Baxley Maniscalco Attorneys At Law

At Baxley Maniscalco, we handle serious injury cases across the entire state of Alabama with care and expertise.

We know that helping you recover from a life changing injury after a car accident involves a lot more than just handing you a one time check.

Our team aims to remove obstacles to your recovery at every step of the process, from initial treatment appointments with medical providers to wisely handling the financial settlement or damages verdict at the end of the case.

Table of Contents

    Locations Served

    We serve clients involved in car accidents across the State of Alabama, including but not limited to:

    Contact us for a free and confidential consultation.

    Advising You on How to Get Your Car Repaired or Replaced

    We’ll support you through the process of having your vehicle repaired or replaced by insurance, and we have resources to help you navigate getting a full and complete repair or fair value to replace your totaled vehicle.

    This is usually one of the first issues clients need help with in the first couple of days after the crash. We’ll also help you understand how to get insurance to provide you with an immediate rental car while your vehicle is in the shop being repaired, or while you’re shopping for a new car.

    Communicating With Insurance Companies

    The moment we get involved, we send out a communication blast to all involved insurers to stop contacting you about your injuries.

    Once they’ve heard from us, insurance adjusters are ethically prohibited from contacting you further.

    From that point on, we handle all communication and negotiation with insurance about your injuries. We’ve found this in and of itself provides huge relief for our clients, as many were being contacted more than ten times per day with strong-arm tactics by an adjuster trying to bully them into settling fast and cheaply.

    Adjusters aren’t happy when you get an attorney because they realize you are now “in the know” and have good legal advice on what your claim is actually worth.

    The opportunity for them to cram a bottom dollar settlement through evaporates. This is why, even if your case never has to be filed, having an attorney involved typically increases your settlement value by more than double.

    Gathering Evidence

    We immediately begin to collect evidence related to the car wreck, such as:

    • Witness statements
    • Police reports
    • Medical records
    • Lost wages documentation
    • Out-of-pocket expenses you’ve incurred

    It’s our job to work to build a strong case and increase the likelihood that you receive full and fair compensation for all of your injuries.

    We have decades of combined experience building cases for trial, and we have the skill to put together an ironclad case on your behalf.

    Negotiating a Settlement

    Once we’ve gathered enough evidence and compiled your medical treatment history and bills, we send a demand and begin to negotiate with the at fault driver’s insurance company to reach a fair settlement.

    Insurance companies frequently try to minimize the amount they pay out, and we know all of their tricks. We have the litigation experience to know when an offer is fair, and when we need to stand our ground and file suit to get you paid as you deserve.

    We also work with your own insurance company as needed to obtain uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage for your injuries.

    This is the insurance coverage that kicks in when the at fault driver did not have insurance or did not have enough coverage to fully compensate you for your medical costs and pain and suffering. Many people worry about making a claim on their own insurance, but UIM benefits work much like homeowner’s insurance. When you make a claim for UM/UIM benefits after a car accident that was not your fault, this claim should not make your premiums go up or negatively affect your rates.

    Representing You in Court

    If a settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, we file suit quickly and we pursue the case aggressively.

    We know how to navigate the legal process and get a trial date set speedily. This is important for you because insurance companies have no real incentive to settle until a trial date is on the horizon. We aggressively seek information from the at-fault driver and his/her insurance company.

    We make them respond to extensive written questions under oath and provide many documents regarding how the crash occurred and what they intend to argue at trial. We set depositions and question the defendant and key witnesses under oath prior to the trial date.

    Providing Support and Encouragement

    We’ve listed this last, but it may be the most important part of our representation.

    We know we aren’t therapists, but we work with victims of serious injuries every day, and we understand what you’re going through better than most.

    A car wreck can be a traumatic experience, and we are here to listen and to truly absorb the impact of what has happened to you. We don’t believe we can fully do our jobs and represent you to the best of our abilities without understanding how your injuries have changed your life on a day-to-day basis.

    We welcome your calls, texts, and emails, and we want to know the details of how you’re doing. We hope by the end of the process, you’ll count us among your friends.

    Meet Our Founding Partners

    Alyssa Enzor Baxley and Adam Maniscalco, two attorneys at law practicing with Baxley Maniscalco, LLP, sit at a wooden desk in a conference room, examining case details.

    Adam Maniscalco & Alyssa Enzor Baxley

    Adam and Alyssa founded this practice just over a decade ago and are personally involved with every car accident case the firm handles.

    They have tried quite literally hundreds of cases in their careers, and are well known and respected in the legal community. They’re supported by a phenomenal team of case managers and paralegals who help to provide world class service with a personal relationship.

    You won’t just be a case number with our firm. We will be actively engaged with your recovery process and the incremental improvement you experience in the weeks and months following the crash.

    How Much Is My Injury Claim Worth?

    Provide us with a few details about what happened and what injuries you sustained in the crash, and we’ll provide a free claim valuation to help you understand what a good settlement range would be in your situation. There’s no obligation to hire us.

    "*" indicates required fields

    If you don't have a copy of the police report, just tell us to the best of your knowledge who caused the accident.
    Provide us with as much detail as you can to help us value your claim more accurately.

    What Our Clients Are Saying

    Types of Injuries We Handle

    Car accidents can cause a range of serious injuries, some of which can even be life-threatening. Here are some of the most common serious injuries experienced in a car wreck:

    1. Head injuries: In a car accident, the head can be jolted violently, leading to a range of injuries such as concussions, traumatic brain injuries, and skull fractures. Head injuries can have long-term effects on cognitive function and can even be fatal.
    2. Spinal cord injuries: The force of a car accident can cause damage to the spinal cord, leading to partial or complete paralysis. Spinal cord injuries can have lifelong effects and may require ongoing medical care.
    3. Neck and back injuries: Whiplash is a common injury in car accidents, caused by the sudden, violent movement of the head and neck. This can cause pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. Back injuries can also occur, ranging from minor strains to more serious injuries such as herniated discs.
    4. Broken bones: The force of a car accident can cause bones to break, and broken bones are a common injury in car wrecks. Fractures can occur in any part of the body, but the arms, legs, and ribs are most commonly affected.
    5. Internal injuries: Car accidents can cause internal injuries such as organ damage or internal bleeding. These injuries may not be immediately visible and can be life-threatening if left untreated.

    It's important to seek medical attention following a car accident, even if you don't immediately notice any injuries, as some injuries may take time to develop or become apparent. Additionally, even seemingly minor injuries can have long-term effects on your health and well-being.

    Order of Treatment After a Head Injury

    If you think you’ve experienced a head injury in a car wreck, we recommend that you seek treatment from the following providers in this order:

    Emergency physician: If your head injury is severe, you may need to go to the emergency room. Emergency physicians are trained to provide immediate care for life-threatening injuries.

    Once you’ve been treated and discharged by the ER, make an appointment with your primary care physician. Your primary care physician can help manage your overall care following a head injury.

    They can refer you to specialists as needed and monitor your recovery. Talk with your primary care physician about a referral to a neurologist, as well as a physical therapist and/or occupational therapist.

    A neurologist is a doctor who specializes in the brain and nervous system. If you have a serious head injury or symptoms such as loss of consciousness, seizures, or difficulty speaking or moving, you may need to see a neurologist. In the event that you have a severe head injury that requires surgical intervention, you will need to see a neurosurgeon. Your other care providers should be able to tell you if that is the case.

    Depending on the severity of your head injury, you may need to work with a physical or occupational therapist to regain strength, mobility, and cognitive function.

    Always follow your doctors’ instructions and attend all recommended follow-up appointments to ensure you receive appropriate care and support as you recover from your head injury.

    We Refuse to Settle Cheaply

    Our utmost priority is to ensure that our clients get complete justice for the injuries they have suffered.

    We firmly believe that accepting a quick settlement for less than the full value of the case is an injustice to our clients, and therefore, we do not entertain such offers. With extensive experience in both negotiation and litigation, we are undaunted by big insurance companies or large corporations and relentlessly fight for the highest possible settlement or jury verdict for our clients.

    We recognize that insurance companies keep a list of law firms that actually take their cases to trial, as opposed to those that operate as volume shops or settlement mills.

    These settlement mills prioritize maximizing their profits over securing the best possible outcome for each client, and often resort to pressuring plaintiffs to settle for low amounts or referring them to another law firm if the client insists on standing firm for a fair settlement.

    This makes it absolutely crucial to be cautious when selecting a personal injury law firm to handle your car accident case. Do your own research.

    Ask about the firm’s approach to handling cases and their success rates. Ask how many of their current cases are in active litigation. These questions will help you find a law firm that is committed to protecting clients' rights and achieving the best possible outcome.

    Our law firm is different from the high-volume, heavy-advertising firms that you may see on TV. We prioritize quality over quantity and have earned a solid reputation in our community as personal injury attorneys who always prioritize our client's best interests. The majority of our business comes from satisfied former clients and referrals from other attorneys who know our commitment to excellence.

    In the event that you have sustained injuries from a car accident or any other form of negligence by another party, we would consider it an honor to help you navigate the aftermath.

    For immediate help, please do not hesitate to contact us via call or text at (256) 770-7232.